Job Opportunities in Fire and Industrial Safety Sector

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Fire can be a danger in any part of the premises. Fire hazards not only create injuries to people or destruction to property but in the environment, they may have so many adverse outcomes. It is essential to control and manage fire prevention. The Government is exploring actions.....

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Environmental problems in Delhi

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Most of the population of Delhi is affected by the pollution generated by mainly Carbon monoxide, ozone, PM2.5 and PM10 partials, CO2 and greenhouse gas. These air pollutant gases also highly affecting the change in climate of Delhi. Indian scientists.....

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Scope of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in India

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Mechanical engineering is regarded as the 'Mother' branch of engineering. It is one of the initial branches of engineering. Those who choose Mechanical engineering are so innovative that they may even attempt to make.....

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Career Option after doing BCA and MCA

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In present scenario, Computer technology is grabbing almost entire fields whether it is related to science and technology or it’s related to commerce, art and culture. So, the total working environment is dependent on computers. That’s why the BCA i.e. Bachelor of Computer Application course is.....

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अशोक की धम्म नीति एवं मानवीय मूल्य

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बिन्दुसार की म्त्यु के पश्चात उसका पुत्र अशोक राजा बना जो विश्व के महानतम् सम्राटों में से एक था। 269 ईण्पूण् में वह सिंहासन पर आसीन हुआ। पुराणों में उसका नाम अशोक वर्धन हुआ। उसके अभिलेखों में उसे देवानांपिय तथा पियदस्सी कहा गया है। मास्की शिलालेख में उसका नाम केवल अशोक.....

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