The significance of a customer’s journey has, in a way, been diluted in today’s digital age. With the landscape diversifying and the consumers inquisitiveness at its peak, searching for the most beneficial
Once every few years, the world gets its hands on a piece of technology that really makes jaws drop. Of late this phenomenon has started to occur annually, keeping tech buffs, such as
I’d recently come upon an article that discussed the classic service industry vs. Hospitality industry debate. And like most other things in life, I concluded that they are interconnected. They support each
Flexible pricing, open-pricing, demand-based pricing, roll pricing, time-based pricing or real-time pricing- Call it what you will. Today, dynamic room pricing is one of the most widely used Hotel revenue management strategy
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”. - Bill Gates. For obvious reasons a hotel doesn’t want any unhappy guests; so a hotel manager has to focus their time